Oct '21

Does It Ever Stop Spinning?
Oct '21

Does It Ever Stop Spinning?
Life moves at a dizzy pace, doesn’t it? From the moment you wake up in the morning, to when you
finally lay your head down at night, life moves at an incredibly fast pace.
finally lay your head down at night, life moves at an incredibly fast pace.
You get up in the morning and attack the day. Did everyone get breakfast? There are lunches to be
made (for those who brown bag it), the dog has to be fed and let out, and then you have to get the kids
off to school. After the kids are gone, you have to get to work (unless you’re working from home). Once
at work, it’s an endless circle of reports, meetings, and more reports. After a long day, you make it
home. Exhausted, you search for your second wind. There is dinner to help prepare, see that the kid’s
homework gets done, dishes to do, a load of laundry to run, and kids to get to bed. Finally, you get to sit
down and relax. You now have a whole fifteen minutes to yourself before it’s your bedtime. You look at
the clock. How did it get so late! You get into bed and turn off the lights. Just think. You get to wake
up and do the same thing all over again in the morning!
made (for those who brown bag it), the dog has to be fed and let out, and then you have to get the kids
off to school. After the kids are gone, you have to get to work (unless you’re working from home). Once
at work, it’s an endless circle of reports, meetings, and more reports. After a long day, you make it
home. Exhausted, you search for your second wind. There is dinner to help prepare, see that the kid’s
homework gets done, dishes to do, a load of laundry to run, and kids to get to bed. Finally, you get to sit
down and relax. You now have a whole fifteen minutes to yourself before it’s your bedtime. You look at
the clock. How did it get so late! You get into bed and turn off the lights. Just think. You get to wake
up and do the same thing all over again in the morning!
Does life ever slow down? Do the wheels ever stop spinning? Or, is life as you know it the way it’s
always going to be?
always going to be?
I asked some recent retirees how they were enjoying their new life. No jobs. No demands. No
deadlines. The retirement years must be days of well-earned leisure. Apparently not. Every single
retiree that I’ve spoken to tells me they are busier now than they’ve ever been! They remain on the go!
deadlines. The retirement years must be days of well-earned leisure. Apparently not. Every single
retiree that I’ve spoken to tells me they are busier now than they’ve ever been! They remain on the go!
I ask again, does life ever slow down?
The last time I checked, there are still only twenty-four hours in a day. It’s been that way forever.
Maybe we feel so rushed because we’re trying to make the most of every available hour.
Maybe we feel so rushed because we’re trying to make the most of every available hour.
As busy as we are, have you ever noticed: we always manage to find time for the things we like to do. If
you’re a golfer, you find time for that. If your kids play sports, you make time for that. If you have a
cottage, you try to use it as much as possible. If you enjoy hunting or fishing, somehow, someway, you
find time to sneak that in. Amazing, isn’t it?
you’re a golfer, you find time for that. If your kids play sports, you make time for that. If you have a
cottage, you try to use it as much as possible. If you enjoy hunting or fishing, somehow, someway, you
find time to sneak that in. Amazing, isn’t it?
Have you managed to make time for God? He knows how busy you are. He’s not asking for much. Just
a few minutes during the day for a devotion or prayer. Just an hour on a Wednesday night or Sunday
morning. See if you won’t find that when you make time for Him, life really does slow down for just a
bit. The outside world stays away. You can relax, refresh, and rejoice.
a few minutes during the day for a devotion or prayer. Just an hour on a Wednesday night or Sunday
morning. See if you won’t find that when you make time for Him, life really does slow down for just a
bit. The outside world stays away. You can relax, refresh, and rejoice.
As you continue to battle with hectic schedules, work demands, and figuring out how you’re going to get
the dog to the vet this week, make some time for God. See if life, in fact, doesn’t slow down just a bit.
the dog to the vet this week, make some time for God. See if life, in fact, doesn’t slow down just a bit.
Lord, thank you for my busy life. It means I have people in my life who need me. In turn, may I always
remember just how much I need you. I look forward to our quiet moments throughout the week, and
our special time together in your House. Amen.
remember just how much I need you. I look forward to our quiet moments throughout the week, and
our special time together in your House. Amen.